/// Determine if an imposter requires regeneration.
bool ImposterSystem::UpdateImposter(const D3DXVECTOR3& curCameraPos, Imposter* pImposter)
	if (pImposter->requiresRegeneration)
		// This imposter already requires regeneration, don't bother with anymore tests.

		return true;

	// Test the age of the imposter.

    	float curTime = (float) DXUTGetTime();
	float age = curTime - pImposter->lastGeneratedTime;
    	if (age > MAX_IMPOSTER_AGE)
       	// Imposter has expired.

        	pImposter->requiresRegeneration = true;
        	return true;

    	// Test the angle between the current camera vector and the camera vector at the
    	// time the imposter was last generated.

    	D3DXVECTOR3 curCameraDir = curCameraPos - pImposter->centre;
    	D3DXVec3Normalize(&curCameraDir, &curCameraDir);
    	float viewAngle = D3DXVec3Dot(&curCameraDir, &pImposter->cameraDir);
    	if (viewAngle <= VIEW_ANGLE_THRESHOLD)
       	// The camera view angle has become to extreme.

pImposter->requiresRegeneration = true;
return true;

return false;