IndieLibX NOTES_04.02.2016_05.35

There are probably serious errors in on the following four libraries and on the two terrain samples.
1. assimp3_x library and MeshRenderer2 library: ParticleVS sample and 3DAnimation sample.
2. spine_x library: testspine2 sample.
3. otl library: appforest abd apptreeview samples. Overly complex otl library interface does not make work easier.
4. RadeonTerrainDemo and NatureScene samples.

The solutions now compile also on OSX and on Windows after correcting some errors on Projects.xml, and on some C++ source files.

The works now as best in Linux. On the OSX and on the Windows the individual calls work better than the calls as there are more runtime errors on these platforms which break the

After resetting mac back to factory settings and reinstalling Xcode I was able to compile and run GLEssentials sample in OSX and iOS simulator.

The NDK solutions are now built without compilation errors. More about SimpleTexture on NDK is documented in SimpleTexture_on_NDK.

The iOS solutions are now built without compilation errors. More about SimpleTexture on iOS is documented in SimpleTexture_on_iOS.

APP_ABI := armeabi mips x86 # works in the emulator
APP_ABI := x86 # does not work in the emulator